No, the title is not a teaser. It is actually happening and I just cannot get my head around it!

I just can’t!

Bear with me a second. People travel to world to enjoy an experience, meet the locals and in certain situations, make some new friends. If you are travelling for business, the above are not precluded – they are simply squashed between the dozen meeting you have scheduled.

What Savioke have developed is a robot butler that is sent by a human to your guest room to bring whatever you may have ordered. So, instead of a warm service by a butler, innkeeper or B&B owner, we are now supposed to send a bin-on-wheels with its own Twitter account to bring breakfast to our guests?

Aloft Hotel in California have introduced these so-called Botlrs last year and according to Tnooz’s Nick Vivion

This newest Aloft associate will not only free up existing talent’s time, allowing them to create a more personalized experience for guests, but will enhance the hotel’s current tech-forward offerings.

I think this is sooooo contradictory! Sorry, but robotics in hospitality should be limited to vacuum cleaning. That’s at least my 2-pence worth.